Ankorstore /  Relaxation & Spa /  ALGOVITAL- COSMETIC PROVENCE /  Huile Essentielle de Cajeput Bio
Huile Essentielle de Cajeput Bio

Organic Cajeput Essential Oil

This essential oil is obtained by distillation of the leaves and buds of Cajeput, a tree that grows wild in Australia, Asia and Madagascar. This tree is a cousin of the Niaouli and the Tea Tree. It is also called "cajeput tree" or "white tea tree", and has the particularity of having a thick and white bark, hence its name "cajeput" borrowed from the Indonesian Kayu putih, which means the white tree. Packaging: 10ml. EN-BIO-01 Location: Malaysia, Vietnam, Australia. Latin name and family: Melaleuca Cajeputii or Melaleuca Leucadendron. Myrtaceae family. Distilled part: Leaves and buds. Qualities : ✓ From Certified Organic Farming. ✓ HEBBD Essential Oil Botanically and Biochemically Defined. ✓ 100% natural: not denatured by synthetic components, nor by oils or mineral spirits. ✓ 100% pure: not cut with other essential oils or fatty oils or alcohols. ✓ 100% total: not bleached, not peroxidized, not deterpenated and not rectified. General composition: Each essential oil has a natural chemical composition characterizing it. Oxides 1.8 Cineole (40 to 60%), Mono-noterpenes (Alpha and Beta Pinene; Limonene), Sesquiterpenes (Beta Caryophyllene), Sesquipertenols and Monoterpenols (Viridiflorol; Nerolidol; Alpha Terpineol). Usage tips : 2 to 3 drops (0.09 ml) per day on a sugar or a neutral support or with a tablespoon of honey or vegetable oil. Status : Dietary supplement. Precautions for use: - Keep out of reach of children. - Not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding and for children under 12 years old. - Store away from light and heat in a cool, dry place. - Never exceed the recommended dosage. - Ask your doctor and/or pharmacist for advice. - No prolonged use without medical advice. - This dietary supplement should be used as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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