BMXX - Bodymaxx Sports Nutrition


SPECIALTY PRODUCTS As an athlete, you are constantly pushing your body to the limit in order to achieve your goals. In order to maximize your performance, it is important to fuel your body with the right nutrients. A pre-workout supplement can help provide you with the energy, focus, and endurance you need to achieve your goals. This presentation will focus on the benefits of a pre-workout supplement that contains a variety of key ingredients, like Arginine, Creatine, BCAA, Caffeine and Synephrine. It is recommended to ingest pre-workout NITRIUM II prior to engaging in high-intensity physical activity. Typically, individuals who frequent the gym consume the NITRIUM approximately 20 to 30 minutes before their workout to fully experience their advantageous effects while exercising. Creatine Monohydrate: Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that helps to provide energy to your muscles during high-intensity exercises. It has been shown to improve muscle strength, power, and endurance, and can help to reduce fatigue during intense workouts. Beta-alanine: Beta-alanine is an amino acid that helps to increase the production of carnosine in your muscles. Carnosine helps to reduce the buildup of lactic acid, which can cause muscle fatigue and soreness. By reducing the buildup of lactic acid, beta-alanine can help you to push harder and longer during your workouts. Taurine: Taurine is an amino acid that helps to improve muscle function and reduce muscle damage. It has been shown to improve endurance and reduce fatigue during intense workouts. L-citrulline DL-malate (1:1): L-citrulline DL-malate is a combination of the amino acid citrulline and malic acid. It helps to improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to your muscles, which can help to reduce fatigue and improve performance. L-arginine alpha ketoglutarate 2:1 dihydrate: L-arginine alpha ketoglutarate is a combination of the amino acid arginine and alpha-ketoglutarate. It helps to improve blood flow and nutrient delivery to your muscles, which can help to improve performance and reduce fatigue. L-arginine HCL: L-arginine HCL is a form of the amino acid arginine that is more easily absorbed by your body. It helps to improve blood flow and nutrient delivery to your muscles, which can help to improve performance and reduce fatigue. Siberian Ginseng: Siberian Ginseng is a natural herb that helps to increase energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve mental focus. It has been shown to improve endurance and reduce the time it takes for athletes to recover from workouts. Caffeine Anhydrous: Caffeine Anhydrous is a powerful stimulant that helps to increase alertness, focus, and energy levels. It has been shown to improve performance in endurance and high-intensity workouts. Waxy Maize: Waxy Maize is a carbohydrate that is quickly absorbed by the body and used for energy. It helps to replenish glycogen stores in your muscles, which can help to improve endurance and reduce fatigue. L-Tyrosine: L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that helps to improve mental focus and reduce stress during intense workouts. It has been shown to improve performance in endurance and high-intensity workouts. Bitter Orange (Citrus Aurantium L.) Fruit Extract: Bitter Orange is a natural herb that contains synephrine, which has been shown to increase energy levels, improve mental focus, and reduce fatigue. It has been shown to improve endurance and reduce the time it takes for athletes to recover from workouts. Intensive Pre workout Pack : 280g - 14g per serving Servings per container : 20 Flavor : fresh lemon