Ankorstore /  Food & Drinks /  Brady's Coffee Ireland

Brady's Coffee Ireland

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All brands in one minimum checkout of €300.00 and always shipping free

  • Since 1993
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In 2017 Brady’s Coffee Company was founded (by Craig, his brother Darren and father John; in 2018 Craig's wife Catherine also joined the team making it a true family business!). Our aim is to make ethically sourced & perfectly roasted speciality coffee accessible to everyone.

Over the past 6 years Brady’s Coffee has grown and we have developed a fantastic range of speciality coffees and teas. From how the coffee is grown down to its packaging, the focus is to deliver delicious coffee in a sustainable way.

We love innovation and Brady's Coffee Company is the only company that produces Irish Whiskey barrel-aged coffee at commercial level worldwide. All alcohol is removed during the roasting process, but not the complex whiskey and coffee flavours. This makes an amazing virgin Irish coffee, or the perfect base for a real one!

We'd love you to take a look at our Instagram page @bradyscoffeeireland, which will give you a real feel for our company and brand and also the people behind the products.
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