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  • Since 2021
Instagram bwarbiere
Beer and terroirs. It seems contradictory and yet historically beer is an agricultural product and that's how I want to give it meaning. I start from the earth, from the raw material.

In France, malt, which is the main ingredient in beer, comes 99% from the industry. Including in craft breweries. Not for me, I'll look for French local cereals, malted responsibly by an artisan I know and who give my beers their uniqueness.

The second ingredient in beer is hops. So in France, at worst, we use lambda hops to make lambda beers, at best we bring in super hops from the US or NZ to make super beers that look like those from the US or NZ. We make the best grapes that give the best wine and our hops would suck and make bad beers? I don't believe it for a second. So I went to get our best peasant hops grown here in France.

I approach my beers like cooking recipes: I worked for months on the dosages, refined my processes and worked on my blends to create modern beers, sourced and brewed in France and which reflect the quality of French cereals and hops, their characteristics, their aromas and their terroirs.

Innovative, fine and complex beers, with a modern, colorful and elegant visual that enhances them. In aluminum cans to accentuate the modern image and because it is better for their conservation and it is a strong market trend. And contrary to popular belief, it is also better for the environment with less energy-consuming transport and recycling.
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