Baba Yaga
éditions MeMo

Baba Yaga

"Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman who had a little girl, very cute, very kind…" Thus begins Baba Yaga, a popular Russian tale collected in the 19th century by Alexandre Afanassiev and very often illustrated for many versions. Figure of Slavic mythology appearing in many Russian, Bulgarian and Polish tales, Baba-Yaga is often represented as a witch living deep in the forest. In 1932, the Russian adaptation of this tale by Nadiejda Teffi appeared with drawings by Nathalie Parain. Never reissued in its original format and colors, this book brings together the graphic compositions of Nathalie Parain, at the height of her art, and a French text by Françoise Morvan which gives it back its taste and its strength.

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