Ankorstore /  Skincare /  Farmacia SS. Annunziata 1561 /  Cellulite cream
Cellulite cream
Farmacia SS. Annunziata 1561

Cellulite cream

DESCRIPTION The Cellulite Cream is a soft body lotion that performs a marked vasoprotective action by stimulating elimination of liquids and reducing capillary permeability. The synergistic activity of ivy and horse chestnut reduces swelling and promotes the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells, stimulating drainage of toxin accumulations and counteracting retention water. The anti-inflammatory and deflating properties of horse chestnut rebalance the amount of liquid present in the tissues, eliminating heaviness and lymphatic stagnation. The high concentration of active ingredients of marine origin, in particular brown seaweed, helps to reshape the silhouette, reducing the characteristic orange peel skin appearance. SKIN TYPE: For all skin types. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS: Its use is not recommended in case of iodine intolerance, thyroid problems, pregnant women and breastfeeding. TIPS AND HOW TO USE WE RECOMMEND: For those who want to develop or maintain a slimming program e remodeling. To those who want to reduce the imperfections of cellulite, included orange peel appearance. HOW TO USE: Use the cellulite cream preferably 2 times a day day, morning and evening. Apply the product by performing a light massage. For the legs: with upward movements, from the ankles to the thighs. For the buttocks: ascending circular movements. For the arms: with ascending linear movements. For the belly: with circular movements. ACTIVE PRINCIPLES: Brown Seaweed, Ivy, Vitamin E, Horse Chestnut, Jodalga. NOTE: Non-comedogenic - Does not contain parabens - Does not contain GMOs - Not contains dyes - does not contain silicones

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