Ankorstore /  Goodforpuglia di Asselta Raffaele

Goodforpuglia di Asselta Raffaele

Ships orders within 6 to 10 days

Minimum order €100

All brands in one minimum checkout of €300.00 and always shipping free

  • Since 2019
Instagram ankorstore_fr
The Good for Puglia brand was born from the idea of ​​a group of entrepreneurs who have always been linked to the Apulian territory rich in raw materials and culinary tradition. 
The concept behind Good For Puglia is to enhance the small producers of the Apulian countryside, purchasing from them the highest quality raw materials, grown with care and dedication. 
Once selected, these are treated and transformed into Good For Puglia preserves (including sauces, creams, pâtés, pestos, bruschetta condiments, jams) slavishly following traditional Apulian recipes.