Jeu des émotions

Emotions game

A game of speed and mime. 12 emotions / feelings - 12 badges to collect and 2 hourglasses (15 and 30 seconds). Hand painted tiles. Rules of the game ! 1- make you guess the emotion by realizing the look you are making when you are in this state. 2- act out a situation that can make the other player feel like this. Ex: make it to them to express fear! 3- use a word or a drawing to make the other player feel emotion. Ex: fever = sick. The player who has collected the most emotion badges to win. Possibility to choose the game version according to the age and the hourglass 15s or 30s according to the desired level of difficulty. Possibility of playing as a team and doing 3 rounds by noting the number of points per game. Personalized game possible: choice of emotions, number ...

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