Amande douce*
Laboratoire EQUI-NUTRI


LIST OF INGREDIENTS (for 10 drops) Water, Ethanol * 25% vol. from wheat, Vegetable glycerin from rapeseed (E422), Amygdala dulcis * leaf bud: 0.6ml > 12% Concentration in buds / Alc. 25% * Products from organic farming INDICATIONS - hepatic action: blood detoxifier, lowers triglycerides and cholesterol. Remedy for clogged and poorly fluid blood - drains the gallbladder - action on the nervous system, such as Hazelnut * and Walnut * (omega 3 intake). The bud is particularly indicated for the elderly with hypertension Flexibility, maturity, inner beauty L'Amandier comes to help the individual who has reached physical and mental "saturation". It allows you to find new motivations, a new place. It brings an energy of renewal, and brings freshness at any age. The almond tree helps to accept aging without nostalgia. USAGE TIPS On the physical level Adult: 5-10 drops / day, pure or diluted in a little spring water. Without food. On the emotional level 3 drops / day, pure or diluted in a little spring water. Without food. Food supplement, do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Does not replace a varied and balanced diet, nor a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. The preparation may be cloudy, without affecting the quality. No prolonged use without medical advice.. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE Hermetically closed bottle. Store away from light, heat and humidity. CONSERVATION Hermetically closed bottle. Store away from light, heat and humidity. 30ml dropper glass bottle. Cure of 30 days. Country of origin: Belgium