Laboratoire EQUI-NUTRI


LIST OF INGREDIENTS (for 10 drops) Water, Ethanol * 25% vol. from wheat, Vegetable glycerin from rapeseed (E422), Sorbus aucuparia * young leaf: 0.6ml > 12% Concentration in buds / Alc. 25% * Products from organic farming INDICATIONS - action on venous and lymphatic circulation: indicated in cases of edema, circulatory congestion, phlebitis, varicose veins, spider veins, varicose ulcer, heaviness of the legs, hemorrhoids, risk of thrombosis. It tones the venous walls - action on the circulation of cerebral fluid: cephalic congestion, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, headaches, ringing in the ears, tinnitus, alterations of the eardrum, hearing problem or even deafness. It drains toxins from the brain (heavy metals) Adaptation, individuation, service Rowan * contributes to adaptability and fluidity. It helps the individual to "let things happen", while consciously revealing themselves in their inner nature (expressing their wishes and refusals and hearing the requests of the other). Rowan * allows you to get out of mental or emotional “hold”, to find oneself and to listen to one another and to listen to the other in a fair way: no more blocking, more control, more comparison, more submission to the other. USAGE TIPS On the physical level Adult: 5-10 drops / day, pure or diluted in a little spring water. Without food. On the emotional level 3 drops / day, pure or diluted in a little spring water. Without food. Food supplement, do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Does not replace a varied and balanced diet, nor a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children. The preparation may be cloudy, without affecting the quality. No prolonged use without medical advice.. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE Nihil CONSERVATION Hermetically closed bottle. Store away from light, heat and humidity. 30ml dropper glass bottle. Cure of 30 days. Country of origin: Belgium