Cheese Bar: What to Remember Sometimes called “yak milk treats”, “hard dog cheese”, “yak sticks” or “yak bones”, “Yak cheese and especially “Yak cheese for dogs”, this dog treat comes from Himalaya is the new treat that will satisfy their chewing instinct, whatever their age, breed, size or taste. A little history… This traditionally milk cheese was discovered in the depths of the Himalayas. This is an all-natural dog food stick made from hardened cheese that villagers spent centuries perfecting. Called “Churpi” by the locals, it was intended for human consumption and was known to be popular with the locals. But there was something else that was widely known about these catteries...They were often stolen by local dogs because they love to chew on them. Information: This treat is an excellent, healthy and natural reward that all dogs, big or small, will love, especially those who are destructive chewers. A careful drying process is used to create this hard dog cheese that provides intense chewing pleasure for long hours. Quality is controlled and tested to provide your dog with a safe, quality snack. It does not contain any preservatives, artificial colors or flavors, nor binders, additives or sugar. Grain-free, gluten-free and completely digestible, these chews are a great alternative to rawhide or bones that can shatter into shards. Following an ancient and proven recipe from the peoples of the Himalayas, the mixture of dri and cow's milk, with a hint of lemon and salt, gives this product an exquisite taste. Our “Yaka’Macher” cheese treat is now made in the EU, according to European health standards and in an IFS certified environment, using 100% cow’s milk and while preserving Himalayan tradition. Store in a cool, dry place, protected from light and humidity. The benefits of this cheesy dog ​​treat are countless: Veterinarians and dog lovers love this natural treat because it removes tartar and promotes good oral hygiene. It helps keep your dog's teeth healthy throughout his life. In addition, it is very durable and stimulates dogs mentally. This is a great alternative to kong toys. An Odorless Treat: Natural pet treats tend to mix with canine saliva, which can result in extremely smelly breath for your 4-legged friend. But don't worry, our yak bones for dogs are completely odorless and won't smell bad in your home. Fully digestible: Rawhides are very bad for dogs' stomachs. Pieces can get lodged in their digestive tract, in addition to making your furry friend sick. Our cheese treats are formulated to be completely safe for canine digestion. Without dyes that can stain your home: Another disadvantage of dog treats is that they can leave indelible marks in your home. You can give dog cheese bars anytime and anywhere, your house will stay spotless. Gluten and Grain Free: We often underestimate how differently dogs' stomachs react to certain foods. Our Yak Cheese canine treats are completely grain and gluten free, and contain simple, natural ingredients that are great for dogs. Virtually lactose-free: You may be concerned that the cow's milk base will upset your dog's stomach sensitivities. Fortunately, through the manufacturing process of our treat, lactose is virtually eliminated. Naturally High in Protein: One of the main benefits of these natural dog treats is their high protein content. But there's no need to sacrifice with our cheese bar treats, because they provide a surprising amount of protein. Low in fat and salt: As pet parents, you don't obsessively check the nutrition label on the treats you give your dog. Manufacturers pack treats with fat and salt like junk food. Our cheese treats are different because they have a very low salt and fat content. Long life: Like deer antler for dogs, one of the great advantages of our Yak cheese “bones” is their longevity. Unlike many dog ​​rewards, they are a challenge for even the most aggressive chewers. Deeply loved by dogs of all breeds and ages: Doggies find them incredibly delicious. Natural ingredients are ideal for dogs' taste buds. The combination of milk, a touch of salt and lemon will satisfy even the pickiest dogs. Dosage: Up to 400G per week This canine cheese treat is a dietary supplement for all dogs over 4 months old. Tips: No loss in yak cheese for dogs Once your dog has reduced his “Yaka’Macher” into small pieces, you can place them in the microwave for about 30 to 45 seconds. This will make them fluff up and give your dog a fresh, crunchy new treat. Be sure to let the pieces cool before giving them back to your pet. As with any treat you give your dog, be sure to supervise them when giving them their cheesy chew treat. The great thing about cheese bars is that they last a long time. And who knew putting a dog treat in the microwave would turn it into another fun taste adventure. But as soon as it’s done (and cooled), dogs love to munch on their new treat! S: BETWEEN 31 AND 37 GR M: BETWEEN 75 AND 85 GR L: BETWEEN 96 AND 105 GR XL: BETWEEN 130 AND 150 GR

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