Ankorstore /  London Grade Coffee

London Grade Coffee

Ships orders within 3 to 5 days

Minimum order €100

All brands in one minimum checkout of €300.00 and always shipping free

  • Since 2018
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All our coffee is single origin and comes from a select few estates in the mountains of Tamil Nadu, in South India. We love working with estates that specialise in shade grown coffee, oftentimes deep within thick forests of eucalyptus, cypress and acacia, producing lovely, nuanced flavour profiles. Throughout these forests are stands of pear, interspersed with rhododendron and magnolia. The air is heavy with the scent of wild flower and spice. The coffee cherries grow alongside cardamom, chilli and lemon trees, and those notes appear in our coffee.

Our coffee comes through Mumbai to London, where it is roasted with great skill at the Tate Roastery on Millbank in small batches, then dispatched to our customers. We pack our coffee in recyclable Kraft paper bags, and the sugar cane paper labels are compostable. All of the packaging that we use to deliver the coffee to our customers is made from recycled paper, so we are plastic-free.

South India is an often overlooked origin in specialty coffee. We find it hard to see why.
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