Ankorstore /  Naturadel


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All brands in one minimum checkout of €300.00 and always shipping free

  • Since 2018
Carole - Founder

After 10 years as a physiotherapist specialized in Perinatal and Pediatrics, I realized that the use of cosmetics was a great source of concern for future and new mothers:

- What to put on your skin during pregnancy without danger?
- What to put on your baby's skin?
- How to avoid the appearance of stretch marks?
- How to limit tightness?
- What should be avoided while breastfeeding?
- How to improve the quality of your skin postpartum?

A whole range of questions that all mothers must ask themselves. I actually asked myself them when I was pregnant with Léonore and Adèle. Thanks to the feedback from my patients, I realized that the existing products on the market did not meet their expectations: controversial ingredients, lack of clarity on the manufacturing process, unpleasant texture... So many elements that led me to consider the creation of my own brand of Mom & Baby cosmetics.

After extensive research and close work with my healthcare professional colleagues as well as a laboratory in Nice, we have carefully chosen the most suitable ingredients in order to develop three formulas:

- Chantilly Anti-Stretch Marks
- Firming whipped cream
- Chantilly Baby Massage

This first range has been designed to meet the most important needs during and after pregnancy:

- Fight against the appearance of stretch marks, a major source of anxiety in pregnant women whose bodies are in turmoil.
- Improve skin tone during & after childbirth, gain self-confidence and feel good about your body.
- Massage your baby from the first weeks of life, to soothe him and spend a moment full of tenderness.

I also chose to offer a different texture from the usual oils and creams available, which are often unpleasant to apply. I imagined something soft, light, airy but perfectly hydrating and nourishing. Utopian? Not really ! With my laboratory, we opted for whipped cream which combines all these qualities. Simply place a nut of whipped cream in your hand: the airy texture gradually transforms into an oily product whose material is ideal for a massage of a few minutes.
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