Ankorstore /  Tea, Coffee & Hot drinks /  ORANESSENCE /  Green Tea Caramel Bursts
Green Tea Caramel Bursts

Green Tea Caramel Bursts

Sencha from China sprinkled with pieces of caramel and Roman chamomile. A tasty and delicious tea. In order to appreciate all the aromas of your tea, we advise you to use water with a low mineral content. Is your tea too light? Let it steep longer in 15 second increments until the desired intensity is achieved. If time is not the issue, increase the dosage slightly or reduce the amount of water. Is your tea too strong or bitter? Start by reducing the temperature of the water which is often the cause when the tea is "undrinkable". If you have a thermometer and the temperature is not the cause, reduce the infusion time by increments of 15 seconds until the liquor is to your liking.