Ankorstore /  Pets /  Shop-Story /  Flea Doctor
Flea Doctor

Flea Doctor

Electric flea brush comb Eradicating fleas from your pet is a real headache during periods of invasion.   Traditional treatments and repellents are generally effective but restrictive in use for your animal, your family and your environment in general.       Fortunately, SHOP STORY offers you the radical anti-parasite weapon: an electric flea comb.       Painless, this comb is the most effective alternative to sometimes harmful anti-parasitic treatments.       This comb has been specially designed to combat the invasion of fleas simply, effectively and without any danger for your pet.       How does the comb work? This anti-parasite comb is completely painless and harmless.   Easy to use and quick, the teeth of the comb generate, on contact with fleas, an electrical voltage not perceptible to humans or animals, killing fleas on the spot.       As no active ingredient is used, it is possible to repeat brushing with the electric anti-flea comb as many times as necessary.   Use the comb on your animal for prevention and a perfect alternative to chemical treatments criticized recently.       How is the comb used? Brush your pet regularly with the flea comb. Use it only on perfectly dry hair. It is recommended to use the comb before bathing. Clean the device after each use with a cloth dampened with 70% alcohol.